About Us

Anidaso Eye Centre is a health social enterprise and a multi-specialty eye care centre in Ghana established to be a sustainable and innovative solution to the burden of visual impairment and blindness especially in rural communities in Ghana and Africa at large.

Anidaso Eye Centre combines excellence in medical care, technology, research and sustainable eye care models to promote social impact in health (eye) care through the provision of affordable, quality and accessible eye care to rural communities in Ghana.

Founded in 2021, the Centre started operation officially in January 2022 and has maintained its legacy through a stellar mission and enhanced vision. We are passionate about eye care and are committed to strengthening eye care in Africa through the use of an entrepreneurial approach to solve social problems (Visual impairment and blindness).

This is our contribution to achieving Sustainable Development Goals 3 (Good health and Wellbeing) and 4 (quality education).

Our Mission

To eliminate visual impairment and blindness through the provision of quality and affordable eye care services to rural communities in a sustainable manner.

Our Vision

To contribute to a world where all eyes can see through the elimination of preventable blindness.

Our Values

Patient Centered

Social Impact





We are your
Eyecare Experts